TWEPP 2010 is hosted by the RWTH Aachen University with support from CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Scientific organizationP. Farthouat, CERN, co-ChairF. Vasey, CERN, co-Chair J. Christiansen, CERN L. Feld, RWTH Aachen G. Hall, Imperial College M. Hansen, CERN L. Mapelli, CERN A. Marchioro, CERN L. Musa, CERN M. Newcomer, U. of Pennsylvania E. Petrolo, INFN, Rome S. Quinton, RAL W. Smith, U. of Wisconsin C. de la Taille, LAL T. Wijnands, CERN K. Wyllie, CERN R. Yarema, FNAL |
Local organizationL. Feld, ChairT. Bingler A. Fischer R. Jussen K. Klein J. Merz J. Sammet |