Proceedings of TWEPP-10, covering oral contributions and posters, are published in the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) Proceedings Section. This offers us a fast, peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the proceedings with easy referencing possibility.
The workshop proceedings are available on the JINST web site.
Instructions to authors
JINST has prepared instructions for authors as well as article templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word. It is reminded that the size of the article should note exceed five (5) pages. The use of the JINST publication format is mandatory. Attempts to modify the format may result in rejected submissions.
Copyright of contributions is assigned to the Institute of Physics Publishing from the date at which the contributions are accepted for publication. The main features of the copyright transfer are:
- authors transfer the worldwide copyright of their work to the Institute of Physics Publishing;
- authors automatically retain rights for the future use of their own work;
- authors who may not own the copyright (e.g. authors in industrial companies or government research establishments) are asked to state this explicitly;
- in the case of multi-author papers, only one author needs to sign the form but he or she should have obtained the written consent of all the other authors beforehand.
How and when to submit
Contributions must be submitted to JINST before October 15th. A short description of the submission procedure can be found here: ppt pdf.
Peer review
As for all JINST publications, your contribution are peer reviewed before being approved for publication. The review is organised by the TWEPP scientific committee. In order to have all papers published in a reasonable time, it is very important to stick to the submission deadline date (October 15th). The review committee reserves the right to reject publications submitted after the deadline.
The deadline for submitting abstracts has expired.
Conference Contributions
- Poster contributions should be of size A0 and portrait orientation. They are be exposed during the whole week. Please make sure to provide your poster on Monday.
Oral contributions are be limited to 25 minutes, including questions.
Authors have to submit their contributions directly to the indico agenda page.Please make sure to provide at least one of the following formats:
- Acrobat (PDF)
- Power Point (ppt)
- Power Point 2007 (pptx)
- Open Office 3 (odp)
There is no support for other formats.
Please upload your talk at the latest on the evening before the relevant session. The talks are displayed from dedicated conference laptops. Other laptops are not allowed. To test if your slides are displayed correctly a dedicated PC is available at the conference.